
How to communicate more while spending less?

23 April 2020 | Temps de lecture : 5 min.
Une femme portant des lunettes ouvre la bouche en tenant une liasse de billets

The organization of an event is not limited to the choice of a location or the hiring of service providers to ensure the animation. In addition to all these very concrete missions, you have to take the time to do marketing and communication. And actually, the communication budget for an event can often raise the final bill. 

So how can you communicate more while spending less? Eventdrive gives you its advice before reminding you how important event communication is!



What is event communication?

Event communication allows you to promote an event to a targeted audience using specific techniques and tools.

This is why it is essential to dedicate a part of the budget to communication, whether for external or internal events. 

But let's put things in context. What is the purpose of event communication?

Above all, it is used to inform, develop loyalty and motivate the public to whom one is addressing. This is why you must adapt your speech according to the audience. You will not address employees who need to be presented at the next gala event in the same way as you would address a wider audience for the promotion of a trade fair, for example.

To achieve this, you need to take the time to define a communication strategy by asking yourself what your objectives are, who you are talking to and what message you want to get across.

In event communications, you must also take into account the type of event you are communicating about in order to establish the best way to make your event profitable through event communications.

Which materials should be used?

Within the framework of an event-driven communication campaign, you will need to take the time to choose the medium on which to communicate. 

This can be on paper with flyers or posters. But the emergence of new technologies has allowed the rise of digital media such as email campaigns or posts on social networks.

The size of the event must also be taken into account. It will certainly not be necessary to distribute flyers and hang posters if you organize a company breakfast. On the other hand, recording and broadcasting radio spots can be a good thing if you are organizing a national trade show.


The many features of EMS

The events sector has also undergone major changes in recent years. The arrival of the EMS, Event Management System, has facilitated communication around an event.

From now on, all-in-one packages are offered. With a single tool, you can create personalized forms, send emails or manage communication campaigns, in addition to project management of your event.

New modes of communication have also appeared. Now, we no longer communicate simply through the emails we send. Today, thanks to EMS, it is possible to create a website dedicated to your event in just a few clicks. You can launch a mobile application that guests can install on their smartphones.

It is possible to communicate widely with a smaller budget, and especially with less and less effort.

The bonus? In addition to managing your communication campaign from a single location, you can also manage all the logistics and ensure a much more fluid event management.

The advantages of EMS

Using an EMS will not only save you time, but also money. By using a single platform for your event, you make your life easier: only one login interface and one password to remember!

EMS also has the big advantage of making work collaborative. With a single tool, you can work at the same time as your collaborators, leave comments that they will see and move forward at your own pace, without being blocked.

And of course, you only have to pay for one subscription since all the tools are grouped in one! It is no longer necessary to take one tool to manage contacts, another to make your event interactive and a last one to measure the commitment of your participants. Your event management solution takes care of everything.

You save on your total budget and also save time and productivity. What more could you ask for?


Eventdrive is a proven event management software. More than 150 customers have trusted us for years!

Whether you are a large insurance company, a tourist office or a beauty salon, our solution can make your life easier and our team is there to help you.

With Eventdrive, there are many possibilities available to you. The whole project management part is of course possible. You will be able to create your agenda, assign tasks or manage your budget in a very simple way.

Would you like to make your event interactive? No more need to subscribe to multiple applications such as Menti or Live E. Eventdrive's platform allows you to set up word clouds, photo walls or even quizzes! 

In short, with Eventdrive, the organization of an event and the setting up of your event communication are done without a hitch!

The communication budget is a sensitive point when organizing an event. It is important to take the time to estimate it correctly to avoid unpleasant surprises along the way. 

It is therefore necessary to take the time to understand the target audience in order to set up the most effective strategy: this is always a delicate task. This is why all-in-one solutions exist to make your life easier! 

EMS were created to make the organization of an event a moment of pleasure and to reduce the stress related to the difficult management of certain points. 

If you are looking for techniques to help you communicate better while spending less, take a look at these software programs. 

And if you'd like to learn more about Eventdrive, our teams are here to answer your questions. Don't hesitate to contact us!

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