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White papers

Corporate Event Trends 2023
Trends, tips, ideas, testimonials... Explore new horizons to make your events even more ROIst and engaging.
How to Create A Virtual Event: The Complete Guide
From sound and lighting to choosing a virtual event platform, this complete guide has all the tips and tricks to get started in creating virtual events!
The 5 Faux Pas of Corporate Hybrid Events
Claire, Simone, Thomas, Paul, and Patricia share the challenges they faced when organizing their hybrid events and we provide the solutions that would've changed the ending of their stories.
6 Corporate Event Trends for 2021
The 6 corporate event trends you cannot miss for 2021 event trends. From virtual to hybrid to the new participant experience, you'll find out everything you need to know to help you organize impactful events this year.
10 tips to become an event planning expert
You want to be an event planning expert ? Eventdrive gives you its 10 pieces of advice to become the Master of Events!


Gérer mon événement digital comme un pro
Nous vous donnons les clefs pour réussir votre projet en ayant une organisation au top, avoir une vision claire des étapes à suivre pour construire votre projet digital et gagner du temps en travaillant efficacement.
Réussir la captation de son événement digital
Un guide premium pour une meilleure captation vidéo pour vos événements en ligne. De l'adaption du contenu de votre événement à sa diffusion, vous aurez tout en mains pour réussir la captation de votre événement digital. 

Success Stories

Sigfox – Engaging Internal Events
Making the Switch: An EMS That Offers Better Branded Events
How Sonepar has harmonized their communication?
See all success stories


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