
Event programme: details not to be forgotten

22 October 2019 | Temps de lecture : 5 min.
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Being an event planner requires a number of qualities. Among other things, you have to be punctual, organized (we had a feeling about this one), multitasking, have a logical mind and be smart. Why? Because in addition to having to find a room to host your event, write invitation cards, manage all external service providers, you must also be able to manage before, during and after the event. And one of the essential tasks of the planner is to design a programme that will keep the guests busy, capable of making them want to come when they see it and, above all, that will make them have a memorable time. 

Then why is it so important? And how can you be sure not to miss this key element in the organization of events? We give you all our little expert advice to make the best event programme, tested and approved.


Before we get to the heart of the matter, let us start on a good basis.

The event programme is a bit like the agenda. It must contain details of all activities, schedules, topics covered, but also the names of the speakers. It’s a bit of an overview of everything that will happen during your event.

It is very important to have one to inform guests of what to expect, even before they ask the question. Proactivity is the key!

You can choose to broadcast your programme electronically, by putting it online on your website or mobile application, or by sending it by email to your guests. It is a great idea to include it in your invitation card.
However, remember to always have a few paper copies to be displayed everywhere on the site of your event, but also to be distributed. This is not about increasing our ecological footprint, but about preventing IT problems. Who has never had a battery failure?



Building the event programme is not a very complicated task. However, it is important to be particularly careful and not to forget to include key information. Don’t worry, Eventdrive is here to guide you!

The schedules

Indicating the schedules of each session is the basis of any good programme. Not only should you communicate the start and end times of all activities that will be announced in the programme, but you must also take into account logistics.

When planning, consider providing a safe buffer range between activities. It is rare that a conference announced at 9am can really start at that time (there are always people who are late or chatting over coffee). Don’t forget to include break times, which are essential for a successful day.

Our advice is not to start events before 9am, especially when they take place in the countryside. It is better to choose a slightly later time to maximize the attendance rate.

The speakers

In addition to the theme of the activity announced, take the time to announce the speaker who will be responsible for facilitating the session. It is always interesting to include a short biography, as well as a photo, to present in a little more detail the person your guests will be seeing.

It is this kind of additional information that can make someone come to a conference for example.

Break times

We were talking about it earlier: don’t forget the break times. It is important to specify all the breaks to which your participants will be entitled, even if it is only a small break over coffee in the morning.

If you organize a study day or seminar over several days, it is very likely that you will set up slightly longer break times. If there are any activities scheduled for this occasion, now is the time to talk about them. The goal is to make your future participants come!

The intervention sequences

This is also very important. Sometimes, for logistical reasons or due to the conditions of the place you have rented, two consecutive sessions cannot be held in the same room. If this is the case, you must make this very clear to your guests on the event programme.

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You now have all the keys in hand to create an event programme that will leave no one indifferent. But just to make sure you reach your goal, here are some useful tips.

Be clear and concise

There is no need to detail in length, breadth and depth the content of all activities. You have to find a good balance: say enough to make you want to know more, but not enough to surprise them.

Adding images

I hear a picture speaks better than a thousand words. Do you agree with that? Remember to insert quality images into your programme. It can be a portrait of the speakers, a photo of the meal they will have or simply an image of the place where the event will take place.

Perform tests

Before printing your event in X copies or putting it online on your website, remember to have it proofread by at least 2 or 3 people. Ideally, colleagues working on the project, but also people who are not at all aware of it. An external eye can detect imperfections much more effectively.

Now you are ready to create the perfect event programme. Remember to include all the essential elements, take the time to have it reviewed and choose the best way to share it. Don’t forget that this programme will be the keystone of your event, the common theme that will allow you to follow the progress of the day, so take the time to produce quality work. The success of your event will depend on it!

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