
The perfect e-invitation for your company soirée!

21 September 2021 | Temps de lecture : 3 min.
Soirée d’entreprise – Créer le mail d’invitation parfait

Today we give you our tips for you invitation mailing for your company soirée!

Plusieurs coupes de champagne

We will first off give a snapshot of the evening, as this is an event dedicated to the members of your various teams it is important to bring a sense of belonging and highlight company values. The goal is to create great participant memories, the participants who are also the biggest ambassadors of the business.

This is why it’s important to ensure the presence of all! It is essential to have everyone present and help them distress and feel rejuvenated.

Get the perfect balance of work and play

It is important to detach the image of your company from where you will host the event; it is important that they feel comfortable and can relax! Your objective is to motivate them for the event.

By outsourcing you will be able to detach yourself from the responsibility as an employer for safety and alcohol-related matters. Make sure this party is not connected to a starting or signing a contract. Let the professionals take care of the event.

Don’t miss out on our Invitation mailings!

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No pressure

The presence of your team members seems necessary but shouldn’t be mandatory. Indeed, if you force your team to participate it may seem like work.

To avoid that we recommend you send an email to members that you would like, by informing not obliging. Do not insist too much.

Have other events coming up?

Communicate with style with our sample invites!

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3 advantages of this method:

Be sure to limit the amount of alcohol, ban the intake of alcohol out of the premises and provide breathalysers at the exit of the event to prevent accidents.

You are ready for the organisation of your corporate party! All that remains is to find a perfect template for the occasion. Something along the lines of this is a simple and easy like this great to get the ball rolling.


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